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Leon C. Groves

Leon C. Groves, age 96, of Archer City, passed away Aug. 13, 2023, in Olney. As his six-year-old great granddaughter Andie More, of Windthorst, aptly proclaimed after learning of her Pa’s passing, “It’s all right, Mom, this is not our home. Our home is with Jesus.”
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Ray Edward Berend

Ray Edward Berend was gifted to be born into the family of Lawrence and Helen Berend of Windthorst, on July 22, 1945. He was number three of six which most likely explained his penchant for negotiation. Windthorst was his home until he left to attend the University of Dallas later transferring to St Mary’s University where he earned his accounting degree, and subsequently went to work for Padgett & Padgett, later becoming its managing partner and owner of Padgett, Stratemann and Co.