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Archer Public Library set to start Summer Reading Program

The Archer Public Library is preparing to start up its Summer Reading Program for the months of June and July as it seeks to promote literacy and continued education among the county youth. “The reading contest is the main focal point of our summer reading program,” Archer Public Librarian Gretchen Abernathy-Kuck said.
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Check it Out! A rcher Public Library

The Archer Public Library’s Summer Reading Program is here! From June 1st – July 31st, kids can enter the library’s reading contest for a chance to win their own Kindle E-Reader. 1-hour read = 1 entry into the drawing. Also, the library will be hosting four summer reading performances live at the Royal Theater! We’ll have animals, puppets, balloons, science, and more! Also, don’t miss your chance to sign up for Art Camp- happening on Wednesdays at the library for ages 9 and up. Stop by the library for more details on everything happening this summer!
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Hometown Gardner

Memorial Day weekend. What a glorious spring we have had so far! We had only five days above 90 for high temps. Hottest was 97 early this month. Official record high for May is 110(f) according to Wichita Falls records. We were 13 degrees below that record. Except for that 97(f) the rest of this month came smack dab in the “sweet spot,” (80 to 95(f). Today is 80’s with rain likely and these conditions are forecast to stay with us this first week of June. Most of us are at or above normal rain for May. Awesome… As it stands today at my house, flies have been around but not particularly bothersome. Mosquitoes also thin and skinny plus not so many. Tiny grasshopper enstars have just appeared the past few weeks. They are not high in numbers either. Still people complain.